Hygiene Touch the Clouds
Create engagement and buzz for Hygiene's new Tender Touch product launch (Five times softer)
Use clouds as symbol for Hygiene's unbelieveable softness result to create family fun, as the product is to be enjoyed by the whole family.
In a public venue, on a family day, set up a giant trampoline disguised with soft dreamy clouds. On top of the trampoline hangs countless of soft tender prices for all ages and gender, such as, stuffed animals, scarves, sweaters, etc.
Members of the families are invited to jump on the trampoline to reach for the prices. As they reach and touch the items or decorations, they also experience the incredible softness of Hygiene. Whatever prices they can grab they can take home, along with packages of Hygiene Tender Touch samples.
During the activities Hygienes's photographer takes slow motion shots of participants up in the air, to later be posted on Hygiene's official facebook page for the owner to tag and share on social media.
The event will be filmed for further commercial use.